
Antígona González is a Mexican theater performer, director, deviser, and organizer based in NYC. Co-founder of colectiva aguaardiente, which develops community-based art projects using field research and oral history interview process: La multitud del ala contra el viento, Todo está aqui. Member of Teatro Linea de Sombra (Mexico) since 2007 with whom co-created the pieces Amarillo, Baños Roma, Article 13, among others. Collaborations include Cie Carabosse (France), El Rinoceronte Enamorado, La Percha Teatro, The Commons Choir, FABnyc, Superhero Clubhouse, IATI Theater, Downtown Art, University Settlement, Performance Space NY and other artists and collectives venues in Mexico and NYC. Recent work includes LES people power (DTA/ GOLES), the NY Memory Project with FABnyc derived in the commissioned piece On being home while feeding the lungs and was created with elders from the LES NYC during the first months of the pandemic, LES Senior Tour – work in progress (FABnyc, Univesity Settlement). Her work as a performer has been shown in performing arts festivals in about 20 countries. She has facilitated workshops at OHMA Columbia University, Downtown Art, University Settlement Seniors Centers and other venues in México. She was granted the 2023 HOLA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Directing for Temporada de Ciervos, IATI.